Mountain Bike Train Route
Starting/Ending Point: Carter Station train depot to Thendara train depot, Town of Webb
Length: 8.2 miles one way
Difficulty: Easy
Carter Station is a restored and maintained (though unoccupied) station house, one of several operated in the early 1900s by the New York Central Railroad. (Thendara Station and Big Moose Station are others.)
Currently, it is the northern terminus of the Adirondack Scenic Railroad out of Thendara Station, and the place where the Mountain Bike Train excursion disembarks. Leaving Carter Station, proceed on trail 9 to intersection 24; head left on trail 89 to intersection 23 (enroute pass by Little Stafford Pond). Turn left on trail 8 to intersection 22, at the bottom of a moderate downhill section.
Turn right onto trail 3. Off trail 3 is Maly Loop, a 15 minute ride on a two-track dirt road, with a lean-to 50 yards off the loop trail on a broad single track. Continue on trail 3 to intersection 3, then it’s left onto trail 1 to the North Street Bridge. Your return ride from Carter Station to North Street is approximately 70 min., easy riding with one moderate downhill section.
To ride back to the Thendara train station, two options:
Follow North Street back to NYS Route 28, turn right. Stay on Rt 28, past Mountain Man Outdoor Supply Co (just over 1 mile), continuing to the Thendara Railroad Station (just over 2 miles). CAUTION: Main St in Old Forge is a busy street, please use common sense and watch for pedestrians, parked cars with open doors, moving vehicles, grazing or fleeing animals (yes, really). We do welcome you to stop for a drink or bite to eat and to peruse the shops. (This route is shown as a dotted line above).
Continue on North Street, cross over NYS Route 28 to the TOBIE Trail bike path. Follow the TOBIE Trail along the lakefront of Old Forge Pond and cross S. Shore Rd, continuing parallel to Park Ave. At the intersection of Railroad Ave and Upper Joy Tract, go straight onto Railroad Ave. Continue on Railroad Ave to Moose River Trail; bear Left onto Moose River Trail. Follow Moose River Trail to Green Bridge Rd, turn Right on Green Bridge Rd. Continue on Green Bridge Rd, short jog on Beech St., then left onto Birch St. Proceed to the Thendara Train Station. (This is the suggested route).